Talk#1 : Role of AI/ML in 6G RAN

Taesang Yoo, Qualcomm
Senior Director of Technology
Taesang Yoo is a Senior Director of Technology at Wireless R&D Qualcomm Research in San Diego, CA, USA. He leads Qualcomm’s wireless AI/ML R&D for 5G/6G system design and 3GPP air-interface standards.
Talk#2 : Accelerating the Air Interface in 5G and 6G using AI/ML
Machine learning offers to improve numerous processing aspects within performance critical wireless functions, leading to improved spectral and energy efficiency. We’ll give an overview of how this is happening within 5G, 5G Advanced, and 6G systems, and share a bit about what we have been doing at DeepSig to this end. Spectrum sharing, virtualization, and end-to-end data-driven optimization of the RAN is getting started commercially now in 5G, but will continue to grow as a more fundamental enabler of key 6G standardized functions. We’ll share some of our work around AI driven spectrum sensing (OmniSIG), RAN Digital Twin modeling, and AI-Native Neural signal processing (OmniPHY) in 5G macro-cell and Massive MIMO systems, non-standardized wireless systems, and show the path by which these core functions will continue to expand and improve performance into our vision for 6G.

Tim O’Shea, DeepSig
Dr. Tim O’Shea is the CTO at DeepSig Inc, where he is focused on enhancing wireless performance using AI/ML in the physical layer where they have fielded the world’s first AI-Native OpenRAN network.

Jeffrey Andrews, University of Texas Austin
Truchard Family Endowed Chair in Engineering and Director of 6G
Jeffrey Andrews received the B.S. in Engineering with High Distinction from Harvey Mudd College, and the M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He is the Truchard Family Endowed Chair in Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin where is Director of 6G@UT and conducts research on advanced wireless communication systems.
Salam Akoum , AT&T
Expert Member of Technical Staff
Dr. Akoum is an expert member of technical staff in the advanced RAN technology, spectrum and standards group within network CTO at AT&T. She is currently working on air-interface research and standardization for 6G communication systems, including integrated sensing and communication, and native artificial intelligence capabilities.

Harish Viswanathan, Nokia Bell Labs
Head of Radio Systems Research
Dr. Harish Viswanathan is Head of Radio Systems Research Lab in Nokia Bell Labs. He received the B. Tech. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai, India and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the School of Electrical Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Yoji Kishi, KDDI Research
Executive Director
Yoji Kishi received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1989 and 1991, respectively.,He joined Kokusai Denshin Denwa Company Ltd. (currently KDDI Corporation) in 1991, where he has been engaged in research and development on the operation planning of telecommunications networks.